How to find us

Just enter “Gites Limousin, Videix” in Google Maps, and it will take you directly to us.

We are visible on “Google Earth view” and “Google Street view”

Location: 45.784401, 0.732325


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Limoges Airport: Bristol / Leeds Bradford / Stansted / East Midlands / Manchester

Poitiers Airport: ALL London airports (Stansted / City / Gatwick / Heathrow / Luton)

Bergerac Airport: Stansted / East Midlands / Bristol / Liverpool / Birmingham / Exeter / Southampton / Edinburgh / Manchester / Leeds Bradford.

Bordeaux Airport: Bristol / Manchester / Edinburgh / Belfast / Glasgow / Gatwick / Heathrow / Luton / Stansted


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If you wish to travel by train there are several routes available from the UK; usually involving one change at one of the stations in Paris.  We choose the London, St Pancras International to Angouleme route; which incorporates the fast TGV from Paris, taking just 1hr 50. Look for the journeys that involve just 1 change and vary between 6 and 7 hours in duration. You can also travel via Paris to Limoges station, this journey takes about 3 hours.


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and Automobiles

Eurotunnel : Folkestone to Calais – 35 minute crossing with up to 4 crossings per hour.

Ferries : There are 5 companies, 9 UK / Irish ports and 16 routes available: arriving in Roscoff, St Malo, Cherbourg, Caen, Le Havre, Dieppe, Calais or Dunkirk.

If you travel by car, since we only have two gites there is ample space for everyone to park; even if you travel in 2 or 3 cars.

If you travel by motorbike; we have a large barn with concreted floor where you are more than welcome to park your bikes whilst you are here.  We even provide blankets to cover them so the resident owls don’t leave any little ‘presents’ on them …

Secure, covered parking for motorbikes

I am also happy to provide various driving suggestions including or avoiding tolls.

Driving distances:

  • Limoges airport – 45 minutes 
  • Angouleme train station – 50 minutes
  • Poitiers airport – 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Bergerac airport – 2 hours
  • Bordeaux airport – 2 hours 15 minutes
  • Paris Charles de Gaulle airport – 5 hours 30 minutes by car / or 1 hour 50 minutes to Angouleme by train + 50 minute drive in a hire car.
  • Caen ferry terminal – 5 hours
  • St Malo ferry terminal – 5 hours 30 minutes
  • Le Havre ferry terminal – 5 hours 40 minutes
  • Cherbourg and Dieppe ferry terminals – 6 hours
  • Calais ferry terminal and EuroTunnel – 7 hours 30 minutes

Hire cars are available from airports or the train station; remember they will be left hand drive, so for those guests traveling from the UK opting for an automatic could be worth considering.

Please check the relevant websites for up to date information as flights & crossings do change each season, and from March annually. There may also be other companies I have missed.

As a rough guide, we are equidistant between Angouleme & Limoges on the D13 / D10


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Crit’Air (Air Quality stickers)

From 2025, Limoges will introduce low emission zones, and you will be required to display a “Clean Air” sticker in your car to enter the zone.  It is a one off payment (currently around 4€ including postage) for a sticker that lasts the lifetime of your car (well, windscreen) so it is well worth investing in one in advance – just in case you happen to drive into a zone without knowing. 

Paris is already using this scheme, but if you are driving to us from the ports, other cities introducing the scheme include: Le Havre / Caen / Le Mans / Bordeaux / Orleans

The official website lets you switch easily between EN / FR and French / Foreign registered vehicles.